Laravel 10 : How to send email | Laravel Send Email Tutorial

Laravel 10 : How to send email | Laravel Send Email Tutorial


Do you love working with Laravel? Its new updated version Laravel 10 brings in new features and refined tools that you must learn quickly. It will help you create your web designs with much ease. This tutorial will show you how to embed the send email functionality in Laravel 10. Through this comprehensive step-by-step guide with Laravel 10 syntax, you will be able to add the email code to your syntax effortlessly.

Get ready to send emails through your newly updated website. Follow the guidelines shown in this manual and insert the codes enclosed within to set up email operations to your database. Learn to send email through Laravel 10 and enhance your interactions.

How to Send Email in Laravel 10 Step by Step : 

Step 1: Install the Laravel App

Laravel new send-email

This command will create a new project in the directory. For laravel 10 you need to have PHP 8.2 or higher version installed in your system.


Step 2:  Set up Your SMTP details in the .env file. you will find that file in the root directory.










Step 3: Create a Mail Class in you project

Now we will create an Email class named MailService.php. In this file we will update the mail subject and the email body.

php artisan make:mail MailService

This command will create a Mail Service file in app/mail/MailService.php

namespace App\Mail;

use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;

use Illuminate\Mail\Mailable;

use Illuminate\Mail\Mailables\Content;

use Illuminate\Mail\Mailables\Envelope;

use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;

class MailService extends Mailable


    use Queueable, SerializesModels;

    public $data;


     * Create a new message instance.


    public function __construct($data)



        $this->data = $data;



     * Get the message envelope.


    public function envelope(): Envelope


        return new Envelope(

            subject: 'Your Email Subject',




     * Get the message content definition.


    public function content(): Content


        return new Content(

            view: 'email.mailFile',




     * Get the attachments for the message.


     * @return array


    public function attachments(): array


        return [];




Step 4: Create a controller for sending mail:

Now we will create a controller with the below command for sending mails.

php artisan make:controller EmailController

Code of Email Controller file below:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;

use App\Mail\MailService;

class EmailController extends Controller



    public function send()


        $data = [

           'name'=> "The Infinite Insights",

          'content'=>'This is a test Content..'


        Mail::to('')->send(new MailService($data));

       echo "mail Send success";



Make Sure to change the Email address above.


Step 5: Create Route For Sending Email:

Now we will create a Route for Sending email code as follows:

Route::get('send-mail', [EMailController::class, 'send']);

Put this code in the routes/web.php  file. 

<!DOCTYPE html>



    <title>The Infinite Insights</title>



    <h1>Hi, There {{$data['name']}}</h1>




Step 7: Test The Email service:

 Run Laravel App by php artisan serve and then go to http://localhost:8000/send-mail and the mail will be sent . If you have any query related to this feel free to mail me at



Well Done! You have just decoded the syntax needed to insert email operations in your Laravel 10 framework. Take insights from this manual and set up a new way of communicating within your website. You have all

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